'Palmer' the Pomegranate
I'm Palmer the Dwarf Pomegranate, native to the Middle East and Mediterranean. I bloom red-orange flowers and bear fruits in summer. I'm tiny, which means my fruits are more decorative with lots of little fleshy seeds.
I do well in full to partial sun. I love being outside or near an open window when the weather is above 60F. In winter, make sure I am indoors, as I'm a tropical tree. Water me well by submerging my pot up to the rim for 5-10 mins, about once a week. I like it moist, so when my pot is 1/2 lighter or it's extremely hot/dry, water me. I'm easygoing, but require frequent pruning and fertilization to keep me healthy and blooming.
Symbolism: In the ancient Greek world, the pomegranate is the fruit of paradise, symbolizing life & immortality. You might recall pomegranate seeds playing a vital role in Persephone's abduction by Hades, when she eats these seeds against her will. Some claim this gave her the power of persistence amidst her abduction, with underlying representations of fertility and rebirth. In Feng Shui, Pomegranate's Wood element, vibrancy, and air purification ability increases overall spatial harmony. Its Chi, 'Zhen,' represents transformation and new beginnings. A Pomegranate may suit your home if you're looking for positive change and a refreshed outlook on life.
Includes basic care instructions. We always recommend doing more research as each environment-- and tree!-- is unique. Plate sold separately.
Pot Sizes* Small: 4"D x 3"H Medium: 5"D x 3.5"H Large: 6"D x 4"H
*as no two handmade pots are the same, pot dimensions are best approximations
**Image is a sample photo from our collection. We'll select the best tree to ship. Also note the tree may not have flowers at time of shipping.