'Meli' the Parrot's Beak
I’m Meli the Parrot’s Beak, native to the Philippines and Southeast Asia. I’m a fast grower with ivy-like leaves and a compact canopy. Under the right conditions I produce an exotic yellow flower that resembles a parrot’s beak.
I like full to partial sun and warm temperatures. I’m happy staying inside year round but will also benefit from living outside once temps are above 50F. To water, submerge my pot up to the rim for 5-10 minutes and drain well. Do this every 5-7 days, adjusting as needed to ensure my soil never gets completely dry. Fertilize 1x/month in the growing season, and prune as needed to ensure foliage size reduces.
Symbolism: The fruit of the Parrot’s Beak is believed to be medicinal. When mixed with lime, it can treat cough. Certain cultures also believe that the juice of its fruit can help relieve athlete’s foot, while the juice of the roots is thought to treat fatigue.
Includes basic care instructions. We always recommend doing more research as each environment-- and tree!-- is unique. Plate sold separately.
Pot Sizes* S: 4"D x 3"H M: 5"D x 3.5"H L: 6"D x 4"H
*as no two handmade pots are the same, pot dimensions are best approximations
***Image is a sample photo from our collection. We'll select the best tree to ship. Please note it may vary from the image and might not have blooms at time of shipping.